I am tormented by the degree of divide in the country. I wonder if this is how it felt before the civil war, civil rights movement. Fear, Accusations, Anger, a powder keg waiting for a match to be thrown close enough.
Did my mother feel this same tension when she lived in DC in 68?
My teachers taught me a solid lesson about history it wasn't to remember the good old days it was to understand and learn from so we did not make the mistakes as our forefathers did.
But it seems that we are.
The Roman's slaughtered Christians and others that didn't fit their mold , The Inquisition, The Nazi's killed Jews, Homosexuals, Jehovah witness's. In Ireland Protestants and Catholic's collided, Apartheid, KKK, Bosnia, Albania, Stalinist and that is just in the short history..
Why is it that we have to have the Samaritians.. The out group. What is it about our nature that keeps us from tolerating differences. Note not harmful/ taking advantage of holding power over differences. But lifestyles. Why do we need to feel "right" what is it about this short lived notion that compels us to judge, condemn and deny?
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