I looked the bunny in his eyes. His expression seemed to say. And Exactly what do you think you are doing. I was holding each of his back legs, spread apart a hand on each foot. Harriet had the top of him securing him.
"You got him" Harriet asked anxiously. Yes in a solemn voice was my reply.. Trying to note the seriousness of the act we were about to do.
Harriet and I looked at each other hesitantly. Feeling as if we were about to do some major violation of the poor animal but we needed to know .. Male or Female.
I am not sure how most farmers got their start or if in ancient times, when the cave man move from hunter gatherer to an age of agriculture that they understood the dilemma that would face the future civilizations that would sprout from their humble beggings. But I do know this.. To get more bunnies to eat; minus the need to expend energy chasing them through the briers, plus saving the times in the explicative cave man grunts that had to be heard as the thorns pierced the skin. Someone went .. Boy Bunny and Girl Bunny in same area .. has an outcome of more bunnies and less running, less briers = Good.
Harriet and I are novices. Truly novices: We have bought books, googled, You tubed Sexing bunnies..talked about talked to those who have had some knowledge or bunny rabbits. There is a bunch of head scratching and thinking. We have the notion of raising bunnies for pets, meat and show. The current clutch of bunnies that we have are all from Rural King and while they can not be used for show is a great base for pet bunnies or meat bunnies.
I know I sound evil bringing the entire idea of raising such snugly fluffy cute adorable little creatures for nourishment and that word "meat." However, with both of us being a bit more round then we use to be. We need a change in the menu as well as lifestyle. Harriet's cardiac issues and well my families health history having a source of meat that per capita seems to support both of our consumption needs is a good thing.
We are meat eaters.. right wrong, indifferent.We do like it and for that we are trying to be as responsible as we can in our choices of and where we choose to buy meat. We are trying to be more locally focused. How more local can we get if source of what is on our table comes from our farm. I have even coined our Bunny Line at the farm: GBASH B4 Bunnies. (FYI IttieBittie is advocating for all bunnies to be sold as pets.. )
If you are wondering what is driving out idea of utilizing
From http://www.threelittleladiesrabbitry.com/blog2/2011/01/20/nutritional-value-of-rabbit-meat/
is the graph below which matches up with other web sites when googling Rabbit meat nutritional value.
"OK" .. Harriet says.. pauses.. "You have to feel right here then stimulate the area..." What is the look on my face and then the out.. of "I have his feet.. YOU do it.. " is my quick reply. Harriet feels around and the motion worked.. "Oh hey its a boy.. yep something is poking out at me." This is more familiar then I ever thought I would be with a bunny much less any other animal.. "Lets put him back now.."
Harriet put Fury .. the big white "male" with black trim back in the hutch and proceed the routine with the Black bunny Black Fur.. (I did not name these bunnies .. Her mighty Pink Princess did) Confirmed Black Fur is a male also.
Harriet has done most of the research on how to tell bunny sexes apart. What are the better breeds. She proceed to educate me on the outer signs of what may also tell Male VS Female bunnies.. Females tend to have double chins when the males don't.. (I believe its because they can handle it). Tomorrow night its the brown bunnies turn. They both have double chins .. So we are guessing females.. OK Harriet said females most likely and I am apt to believe her.
If you are wondering if we are going to eat Black Fur and Fury .. no they have a reprieve. Papa, my dad, bought them for Ittie Bit. So they will be our BUCKS.. sounds like an important job. They get to eat, have nights out in the girls apartments.. um hutch and come home to no responsibility but to lounge around until their next engagement. What a life for a couple bachelors.
I hate to be a naysayer (and I don't care how many cute fluffy bunnies you kill), but the only way you're going to lower your cholesterol levels is to find a low-cholesterol protein source to replace meat. The difference between rabbit meat and beef is miniscule when you're dealing with high cholesterol or high blood pressure issues. Tofu, nuts and beans are a good choice because they can raise good cholesterol levels while lowering bad cholesterol levels.
ReplyDeleteThen add some foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood. Foods that include omega-3 fatty acids are: walnuts, flax seed, salmon, olive oil and soybeans.
Then eat a lot of fruits and green, leafy vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in cholesterol and will give your body the energy it needs.
Then eat whole grains instead of white bread or pasta. Whole grains lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.
Finally, use the plate method to plan your meals. Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. A quarter of the plate should be reserved for whole grains. The remaining quarter or your plate should be a combination of beans and another protein source (such as tofu). This will give your body the nutrients and properly balanced meal it needs.
I want you to live a long time and that means sacrificing a little meat! You can still gnaw on some rabbits every now and then but stop living in Indiana meat mentality. Your diet is everything!